Latest News From North Carolina State University

Body Condition Targets to Optimize Sow Well-Being, Reproduction
Body Condition Targets to Optimize Sow Well-Being, Reproduction

Keeping sows in ideal body condition can be a balancing act. New research from North Carolina State University outlines sow condition targets to minimize body lesions and maximize productivity. 

A Multidimensional Approach to Sustainability in the Swine Industry
A Multidimensional Approach to Sustainability in the Swine Industry

There are many complex interactions between the animals, air, water, soil and energy in the swine industry. Because of this, our approach to sustainability is multidimensional, says NC State's Suzanne Leonard.

Heat Sources for Post-Weaning Pigs
Heat Sources for Post-Weaning Pigs

In most facilities and climates, the heat produced by young pigs may not be enough to achieved the desired environmental temperature and an additional heat source is required. NCSU reports on some of the options.

Gruel Creep Feeding Accelerates Growth, Alters Intestinal Health of Young Pigs
Gruel Creep Feeding Accelerates Growth, Alters Intestinal Health of Young Pigs

Can a gruel pre-weaning supplementation better prepare piglets to handle increased stress encountered after weaning? NCSU researchers share the results of their latest study.

Parity and Body Condition Score Drive Summer Fertility in Sows
Parity and Body Condition Score Drive Summer Fertility in Sows

Seasonality in reproduction can impair our ability to maintain constant reproductive output. NCSU evaluated the impact of parity and prefarrow sow body condition in a hot environment on subsequent farrowing rates.

Colostrum Intake by Newborn Piglets
Colostrum Intake by Newborn Piglets

A North Carolina State University study examined relationships among birth characteristics, early nursing behaviors and colostrum consumption in over 600 piglets by measuring their immunocrits 36 hours after farrowing.

Assisting Sows During Farrowing: When Should You Intervene?
Assisting Sows During Farrowing: When Should You Intervene?

Manually removing piglets from the sow’s birth canal during farrowing, or sleeving, is a positively viewed management practice. However, it can be hard to know when to intervene. Here are a few tips to help employees.

Weighing Pigs Without a Scale: A Simple Tool for Estimating Pig Weight
Weighing Pigs Without a Scale: A Simple Tool for Estimating Pig Weight

Heart girth circumference is perhaps the most accurate way to estimate pig weight, but weigh tapes can be challenging. North Carolina State University has developed a new method to measure heart girth circumference.

Commercial Camera Solutions for Weighing Finishing Pigs Automatically
Commercial Camera Solutions for Weighing Finishing Pigs Automatically

Body weight measurement of pigs is essential for monitoring performance, welfare and overall production value. Here's a quick look at how commercially available camera systems can be used to estimate pig weight.

As a business, the more you engage on social media - especially during a disaster - the better.
Businesses Benefit from Altruism During a Crisis

New research finds that altruism – and social media – can help businesses cultivate trust with consumers on mobile devices during and after natural disasters.