Latest News From Michigan State University

Use of Medically Important Antimicrobials in Food-Producing Animals Has Declined
Use of Medically Important Antimicrobials in Food-Producing Animals Has Declined

Based on FDA’s most recent Summary Report on Use of Medically Important Antimicrobials, antimicrobial use in food-producing animals has declined by 28% since Veterinary Feed Directive Guidelines were enacted in 2017.

Food Safety of Ractopamine-fed Beef and Swine
Food Safety of Ractopamine-fed Beef and Swine

Feed additive Ractopamine is used to enchance or increase muscle mass and improve feed efficiency. The U.S. FDA addressed the food safety concerns.

MSU Offers Livestock Transport Accident Emergency Response Training
MSU Offers Livestock Transport Accident Emergency Response Training

People involved in responding to, or preparing teams to respond to, accidents involving animals will receive critical information on the proper protocols, training and equipment needed to manage these events.

Managing Manure Storage Structures
Managing Manure Storage Structures

Last December’s early onset of winter weather combined with heavy snow cover may mean some manure storage facilities are nearing capacity. Spring rain has a way of making spring field work difficult, slowing the progress of emptying in-ground manure storages. What to do?