Latest News From Dan Kovich-NPPC

Washington Watch: “Impossible Pork” Needs to Play by the Rules
Washington Watch: “Impossible Pork” Needs to Play by the Rules

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but Impossible Foods' announcement about "Impossible Pork" created from plant-based ingredients was not just a step too far—it was a brazen violation of labeling law.

Swine Inspection Program Would Increase Efficiency, Harvest Capacity
Swine Inspection Program Would Increase Efficiency, Harvest Capacity

The proposed New Swine Inspection System is the result of over two decades of work to make the pork inspection process more efficient, while maintaining the safest food supply in the world, says NPPC's Dan Kovich.

Gene editing accelerates genetic improvements that could be realized over long periods of time through breeding.
Gene Editing Promise Stalled at FDA

For the sake of our animals, the environment, consumers and farmer livelihoods, NPPC's Dan Kovich says we need to put regulatory authority over gene-edited livestock in the right hands.